Thematische Bibliographie Rainer Dormels


North Korea


(2014): North Korea’s Cities: Industrial facilities, internal structures and typification. Seoul: Jimoondang. 544p.


(1996): Kangwŏn-do (Nord) – Potential und Perspektiven einer Provinz an der DMZ [Kangwŏn-do (North) – The Potential and Perspectives of a Province Bordering the DMZ]. In: Zeitschrift der Koreanisch-Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaften, Bd. 6 (1996), p. 475-502.  

(2004): Rezension: North Korea. Geographic Perspectives [Book Review: North Korea. Geographic Perspectives). In: Korea Forum, Ausgabe 2-2004.

(2006): Dormels/李東昱: 라이너 도멜스 교수의 北韓 종단 觀察記. In: 月刊 朝鮮, 12月2006年, p. 34-38.

(2007): Image transfers – Pyongyang/Wien. Politische und kulturelle Hintergründe. In: EIKON Sonderdruck #12: Luca Faccio - Image transfers –Pyongyang/Wien, p. 8-13. [German with English translation]

(2011): Analysis of the structure in North Korean cities. In: CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 12 (2011), p. 138-151.

(2012): „Research conducted teaching – on the example of a project about industry and cities in North Korea”, CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies 14, 61-68.  

(2013): “Chosŏn minchu chuǔi inmin konghwaguk tosi ǔi kwangkoŏp inp’ǔra yŏn’gu” [Forschungen über die Infrastruktur bezüglich des Bergbaus und der Industrie in nordkoreanischen Städten], International Society for Korean Studies (ed.): Proceedings of the 11th ISKS International Conference on Korean Studies Vol. 2, 621-630.  

(2014): Seoul und Pjöngjang – zur Attraktivität der Hauptstädte für die Bewohner der beiden koreanischen Staaten / Seoul and Pyongyang: On the Attraction of the Korean Capitals for their People; in: Luca Faccio Common Ground. Verlag für Moderne Kunst, p. 114-117.

(2014): Factors of the Image of North Korean Cities in:Lim, Dongwoo/Rafael Luna (Hrsg.): North Korean Atlas. Seoul, p. 20-33

(2014): 조선민주주의인민공화국 도시의 광공업인프라 연구 in: 국 제고려학제15호International Journal of Korean Studies No. 15, 489-508

(2014): 북한의공업지구에대한연구 (Researches on the Determination of Industrial Regions of North Korea); in:  대한건축학회 (Architectural Institute of Korea): 建築 (Review of Architecture and Building Science) Vol.58 No.8 , p.34-42

(2016): 북한도시의 내부구조에 관한 연구. An Analysis of the Internal Structure of North Korean Cities. (Rainer Dormels). - 발행기관 : 북한연구학회. - 발행년도 : 2016. - 간행물 : 세계북한학 학술대회 자료집, 3권 0호. - 페이지 : pp.164-180 ( 총 17 페이지 ) KGF Korea Global Forum

(2016): 북한도시의 내부구조에 관한 연구 (An Analysis on the Internal Structure of North Korean Cities). 동국대학교 북한학연구 제12권2호(2016), p. 37-64.

(2020): The Renaming of Administrative Units in North Korea until 1999, CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies 1, pp. 241-271


South Korea (Politics and Geography)


(1999): Regionaler Antagonismus in Südkorea (Regional Antagonism in South Korea). Duisburger Arbeitspapiere Ostasienwissenschaften. No 28/1999, 63 p.

(2002a): Die dynamische Betrachtung von Ministerdaten als Ansatz zur Erforschung wichtiger Aspekte der politischen Kultur Südkoreas [A Dynamic Analysis of Background Data of Cabinet Ministers as an Approach to Investigate Important Aspects of the South Korean Political Culture]. Habilitationsschrift, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 410p. [= Habilitation-Thesis]

(2002b): Die dynamische Betrachtung von Ministerdaten als Ansatz zur Erforschung wichtiger Aspekte der politischen Kultur Südkoreas. Anhang, 424 p. [= Appendix to the Habilitation-Thesis]

(2006): Politische Kultur und Ministerrekrutierung in Südkorea (Political Culture and Minister Recruitment in South Korea). Hamburg: LIT-Verlag, 635p. [= Published version of the Habilitation-Thesis]

(2013):  [mit Marhold, Klaus und Patterer, Ada]: SKRIPT ZUR VORLESUNG „EINFÜHRUNG IN DIE GEOGRAPHIE KOREAS“  Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dormels. Facultas Verlag. 248p.


(1998): Das erste Kabinett der Regierung Kim Dae-jung [The First Cabinet of the Kim Dae-jung Administration]. In: Köllner, Patrick (ed.): Korea 1998, Institut für Asienkunde, Hamburg 1998, p. 125-136.

(1999): Regionalismus in Südkorea. Erklärungsversuche [Regionalism in South Korea. An Approach]. In: Korea Forum, Jahrgang IX, Nr. 2, p. 28-31.  

(2000): Frauen in Parlament und Kabinett. Analyse anlässlich der Wahlen zur Nationalversammlung am 13. April 2000 [Women in Parliament and Cabinet. An Analysis of the Parliamentary Elections from 14 April 2000 in South Korea]. In: Korea Forum, Jahrgang X, Nr. 1/2, p. 21-23.

(2001): Interview mit Kwon Chol-hyun, Sprecher der Grand National Party [Interview with Kwon Chol-hyun, Spokesman of the Grand National Party]. In: Korea Forum, Jahrgang XI, Nr. 2, p. 10-13.

(2005): Der Ausbildungshintergrund hoher Funktionsträger in Südkorea [The educational background of high officials in South Korea]. In: Korea Forum, Ausgabe 1+2-2005, p.83-87.

(2007): Seoul – Beispiel ostasiatischer Stadtentwicklung. In: Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Susanne / Linhart, Sepp (ed.): Ostasien. Seine Bedeutung im 20. Jahrhundert, p. 233-248.

(2008): Die Wohnsitze der oberen Zehntausend in der Republik Korea (Südkorea). In: Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung I, p. 11-50.

(2010): [with Hassink, Robert:] Regionalism in South Korea and its mutual relationship with regional economic disparities. In: Tikhonov, Vladimir (ed.): Contemporary South Korean Capitalism: its Workings and Challenges. Oslo: Unipub 2010, p. 79-103.

(2011): Anche i sudcoreani hanno il loro Nord. In: Limes, Corea, la guerra sospesa, 8. February 2011, p. 93-98.

(2011): Regionalismus und regionale Disparitäten in der Republik Korea [].

(2014): The Impact of Democratization Processes on the Recruitment of Cabinet Ministers in South Korea. (Hrsg.) Koreanologie am Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften der Universität Wien, Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung VI,  p. 108-135


Naming of the East Sea


 (2011): Ostmeer. Japanisches Meer. Koreanisches Meer. Zur strittigen Benennung des Meeres zwischen der koreanischen Halbinsel und den japanischen Inseln. Wien: Praesens 2011 (= Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung III), 207 p.


(2006): 한일 독도-동해 갈등 옛지도 싸움. In: 월간 중앙, 8월 2006, p. 90-95. 

(2007): Political influences on the Naming of waters – by the example of the Persian/Arabian Gulf and the Japanese Sea/East Sea. In: Northeast Asian History Foundation: Standardization of Geographical Names with Special Reference to the East Sea, p. 41-54. 

(2008): Sea names in concurrence: examples from Europe. In: The 31st International Geographical Congress Special Session / The 14th International Seminar on Sea Names – Geography, Sea Names and Undersea Feature Names, p. 119-128.

(2009): (인터뷰: 이윤정): ‘동해’가 국제사회에 익숙해 지도록 만들어야. In: 동북아역사재단 NEWS 05.2009, p. 6-8.

(2009): Some Remarks about the Naming of the EastSea. In: 대한지리학회 (편): 한지리학회 2009 연례학술대회 요약집. p. 226-227.

(2009): 동해표기와 일본 식민주의. In: 국제고려학회 (편): 제9차, 코리아학국제학술토론회 논/론문집 復旦大學. Vol. 2, p. 817-825.

(2009): The Inner-Korean Discussion about the Naming of the East Sea. In: The Korean Political Science Association (ed.): Korea at the Crossroad. The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2009. Abstracts, p. 100.

(2009): Semantic Change in one of the meanings of the terms ‘Donghae (East Sea)’ and ‘Sea of Japan’. In: The Society of East Sea/Northeast Asian History Foundation (ed.): The 15th International Seminar on Sea Names, p. 56-69.

(2010): Practice and policies of the use of binominals, endonyms and exonyms in the naming of sea bodies. In: The Society of East Sea / Northeast Asian History Foundation (ed.): The 16th International Seminar on Sea Names, p. 45-59.

(2010): Change of meaning in ‘East Sea’ and ‘Sea of Japan’. Theories shed light on meaning of geographic names. In: Korea Herald, 14.6.2010. 

(2010): Change of meaning in ‘East Sea’ and ‘Sea of Japan’, theories shed light on meaning of geographic names. In: Geographical issues on maritime names: special reference to the East Sea. Northeast Asian History Foundation, p. 65-76.

 (2011): Practice and policies of endonym and exonym use in the naming of sea bodies. In: Jordan, Peter / Bergmann, Hubert / Burgess, Caroline / Cheetham, Catherine (ed.): Trends in Exonym Use. Hamburg: Dr. Josef Kovač Verlag, p. 269-276. 

(2011): „Pada-wa haeyang irŭm-ŭi pyŏnggi: iron-gwa silje” 바다와 해양 이름의 병기: 이론과 실제 (Dual naming of oceans and seas: theory and praxis). The 17th International Seminar on Sea Names 제 17 회 동해 지명과 바다 이름에 관한 국제세미나. Vancouver: The Society for East Sea & The Northeast Asian History Foundation, 233–250.

(2015): “Sea Names: Heritage, Perception and International Relations”, Session I: Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage with Specific Regard to Hydronyms – Discussion at the 21st International Seminar on Sea Names in Helsinki, Finland, 23-26 August 2015

(2015): “Some hypothesis regarding the East Sea / Sea of Japan issue: Based on examinations of sea names in maps of Central and Eastern European atlases (동해 / 일본해 이슈에 관한 몇 가지 가설: 중부, 동부, 유럽 아틀라스에 나타난 바다 이름 조사를 중심으로), Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Sea Names in Helsinki, Finland, 23-26 August 2015, p. 233-249

(2017): “A Categorization of different Names for Seas in East Asia”, In: Berlin: The 23rd International Seminar on Sea Names. Achieving Peace and Justice Through Geographical Naming, p. 151-166

(2021): Ocean Literacy—In the Context of Naming of Seas Case Study: The Sea Between Korea and Japan. In: Koutsopoulos, Kostis C., Stel, Jan H. (Eds.): Ocean Literacy: Understanding the Ocean (Key Challenges in Geography) Springer.




(1994): 玉篇類의 漢字音 比較硏究 - 全韻玉篇, 新字典, 漢韓大辭典 大字源을 中心으로 [A Comparative Study on the Readings of Chinese Characters in Chinese-Korean Character Dictionaries – mainly focused on the Chŏnun-okp'yŏn, Sinjajŏn and Hanhan-taesajŏn Taejawŏn], 國語硏究 118, 國語硏究會, 133p.

(1997): Das Hongmu-chŏngun-yŏkhun (1455) - Analyse der in koreanischer Buchstabenschrift  standardisierten „korrekten“ Lautungen zur Bestimmung des Grades der Übereinstimmung mit seiner Grundlage, dem chinesischen Reimwörterbuch Hung-wu cheng-yün (1375) [The Hongmu-chŏngun-yŏkhun (1455) – An Analysis of the standardized “Correct” Readings of the Chinese Rhyming Dictionary Hung-wu cheng-yün (1375) into the Korean Script for the grade of ist accuracy]. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 248p. [= PhD-Thesis]

(1999): Koreanische Reimwörterbücher des 18. Jahrhunderts, List und Tücke bei der Standardisierung der sinokoreanischen Lautungen (Korean Rhyming Dictionaries of the 18th Century. Sneaky Tricks in the Standardisation of Sino-Korean Readings in the 18th Century). Hamburg: Lit-Verlag, 154 p.

(2015): Hunmin-chŏngum and the Transcription of Chinese Pronounciation in the King Sejong Era; in: Fedotov Alexander, Karteva-Dancheva Svetla (ed.): Outlining the Korean Society. Sofia, p. 17-29

(2017): 四聲通解를 기반으로 한 “韻會譯訓“의 구성 (A Construction of  “Yun hui, Transliterated and Glossed”, based on Sasǒngt’onghae). 학고방 Hakgobang. 299 p.


(1997): Neue Gedanken zur Entstehung der koreanischen Buchstabenschrift [New Thoughts about the Invention of the Korean Script]. In: Korea Forum, Jahrgang VII, Nr. 2, Dezember 1997, p. 50-52.

(1999): 18세기 韓國漢字音의 規範化 過程에 숨겨진 動機 [Hidden motifs in the Standardizing Process of the Sino-Korean Phonetics in the 18th Century]. In: 國語學 33, p. 125-143.

(1999): [Yi Tong-uk 李東昱:] 저승의 세종대왕은 한글전용을 개탄할 것이다. In: 月刊 朝鮮 5月1999年, p. 468-476. [Interview with Rainer Dormels: Sejong the Great would wail about the exclusive use of the Korean Script. In: Wŏlgan Chosŏn, May 1999]

(2001): 洪武正韻譯訓과 訓民正音 [Hongmu-chŏngun-yŏkhun and the Korean Script Hunmin-chŏngum]. In: 태평무 (편): 세계속의 조선어(한국어)대비연구, p. 55-64.

(2004): Verschiedene Sprachen, gemeinsame Schrift? – 2. Korea [Different Languages, Common Script? – 2. Korea]. In: Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Susanne / Linhart, Sepp (ed.): Ostasien 1600-1900. Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Wien: Promedia, p. 64-71.

(2005): An Analyse of Hongmu-chŏngun-yŏkhun. In: Rhee, Sang Jik (ed.): The Proceedings of the 1th European Conference on Korean Linguistics (ECKL 1), p. 44-57. 

(2006): 洪無正韻譯訓의 正音硏究와 訓民正音 창제에 끼친 영향. In: 쵱남희 외 (편): 國語史와 漢字音, 서울: 박이정, p. 605-646.

(2007): 洪武正韻譯訓에서 反切字와 洪武正韻譯訓對譯音과의 관계. In: 서울대학교 BK21, 한국어문학세계화교육연구사업단, 세계 속의 한국어문학, 2007.12.19-20, p. 204-218.

(2008): 세종대왕 시대의 언어정책 프로젝트 간의 연관관계. In: 제2차 한국어학회 국제학술대회, p. 27-37.

(2008): Kooperation sowie Austausch von Informationen und Forschungsergebnissen durch Netzwerkausbau zwischen Koreanologen – Koreawissenschaftliche Tage (Universität Wien) / ‘독일어권 한국학자 간 협력 강화’. In: Korea Foundation: Workshop zur Zukunft der Koreanistik im deutschsprachigen Raum. 독일어권 한국학 진흥 워크숍, p. 30-34.

(2008): 訓民正音과 八思巴文字 사이의 연관관계. In: 한국학중앙연구원 (편): 訓民正音과 八思巴文字 국제 학술 Workshop, p. 115-136.

(2009): Semantic Change in one of the meanings of the terms ‘Donghae (East Sea)’ and ‘Sea of Japan’. In: The Society of East Sea/Northeast Asian History Foundation (ed.): The 15th International Seminar on Sea Names, p. 56-69.

(2010): Fremdwörter in der koreanischen Sprache. In: Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung II, p. 158-173.

(2011): „18 segi Chosŏn hanjaŭm-ŭi kyubŏmhwa-wa tigŭt-kugae ŭmhwa“ 18 세기朝鮮 漢字音의 規範化와 ㄷ-구개음화 (Die Standardisierung der sinokoreanischen Lautungen des 18. Jahrhunderts und die T-Palatalisierung). Proceedings of the 10th ISKS International Conference on Korean Studies, 제 10 차코리아학국제학술토론희 논/론문집. Vancouver: The University of British Columbia, 258–275.

(2012): “18-segi Chosŏn hanjaŭm-ŭi kyubŏmhwa-wa tigŭt-kugae ŭmhwa” [Die Standardisierung der Sino-Koreanischen Aussprache im 18. Jahrhundert und die TPalatalisierung],Kukche Koryǒhak / International Journal of Korean Studies 14 (2012),155-180. 

(2012): „Der Generationsname in der koreanischen Namensgebung“, Koreanologie / Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften (Hrsg.): Wiener Beiträge zur Koreafor-schung / Viennese Contributions to Korean Studies, Bd. IV, Wien: Praesens, 31-43. 

(2013): “Han’guk oeraeŏ-e daehan yŏn’gu ˮ, in Han’guk ŏmunhak kukche haksul hoeŭi palp’yomunjip, pp. 43-51.

(2016): 四聲通解에 관한 연구 (I) 四聲通解를 기반으로 한 「韻會譯訓」의 구성. In: Proceedings of the 13th ISKS International Conference on Korean Studies p. 251-269.

(2020): 파스파문자로 된 蒙古字韻의 字母韻과 四聲通解의 蒙韻音 대조 (Contrasting the Tzu-mü-yün of Meng-ku yün-lüeh written in hPhagspa script with the Mongun-ŭm of Sasŏng-t`onghae) 국재고려학 18, pp. 305-324

(2020): Die Interpretation der hinteren Fan-ch`ieh-Zeichen im Hongmu-chŏngun-yŏkhun. Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung. Band XI, pp. 2-31


Various other Topics


(1996): 한국과 독일의 술문화 차이점 [Cultural Differences in Drinking Behavior between Korea and Germany]. 조흥경제, p. 44-45.

(1997): Informationen zu einem Studienaufenthalt in der Republik Korea [Information about studying abroad in South Korea]. In: DAAD: Fortbildungsveranstaltung Japan, China, Indonesien, Korea. Protokoll. Teil 1, p. 77-83. 

(1997): [Bookreview:] Ko Un: Die Sterne über dem Land der Väter. Gedichte. Aus dem Koreanischen von Woon-Jung Chei und Siegfried Schaarschmidt [Ko Un: Homeland Stars. Poems. Translated by Woon-Jung Chei and Siegfried Schaarschmidt]. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, Bd. 21, p. 268-269.

(2003): 독일/오스트리아 내 한국의 위상 변화의 실상과 한국학 동향 [The Development of the Korean Studies Department in Germany and Austria and the Change and Current State of Korea´s Image]. In: 국제교육진흥원 (편): 세계 속의 한국학, p. 37-38. 

(2004): Ostasien von 1600 bis 1900: Ein Überblick – 2. Korea [East Asia from 1600 to 1900: An Overview – 2. Korea]. In: Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Susanne / Linhart, Sepp (ed.): Ostasien 1600-1900. Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Wien: Promedia, p. 26-39.

(2005): 유럽 대학내 한국학 프로그램의 정착. Wien 대학의 사례와 한국의 지원기관을 중심으로. In: The Academy of Korean Studies (ed.): The World Koreanists Forum 2005. For The Global Network Of Korean Studies, p. 223-234.

(2007): 한국학과 한국정치학회. In: 한국정치학회소식 제31권 제3호, p. 16-17.

(2008): Geleitwort zur Herausgabe der Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung. In: Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung I, p. 7-8.

(2008): Kooperation sowie Austausch von Informationen und Forschungsergebnissen durch Netzwerkausbau zwischen Koreanologen – Koreawissenschaftliche Tage (Universität Wien) / ‘독일어권 한국학자 간 협력 강화’. In: Korea Foundation: Workshop zur Zukunft der Koreanistik im deutschsprachigen Raum. 독일어권 한국학 진흥 워크숍, p. 30-34.

(2008): 베를린에서 만난 독일어권 한국학자들. 독일어권 한국학 진흥 워크숍. In: 한국국제교류재단 Newsletter 12/2008, p.16-17.

(2008): Promotion of Korean Studies in Germany and Beyond. Workshop for Scholars of German-Speaking Countries. Korea Foundation Newsletter 12/2008, p.16-17.

(2009): ICKS Diary. In: ICKS (International Center for Korean Studies, Kjujanggak, Seoul National University), Newsletter 2, 2.11.2009 []

(2012): “Koreans in the global Progressive Rock and Metal scene – compared to their Japanese counterparts”, Proceedings from the CEESOK-conference 2012 in Warsaw. Special focus:Hallyu in Europe = CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies 13 ( 2012), 90–96.

(2012): “University of Vienna”. In: Overseas Leading University Program for Korean Studies Annual Meeting 2012 / 2012-nyǒndo haeoe han’gukhak chunghaek taehak hyǒbŭihoe.

The Academy of Korean Studies 2012, 138-148.

(2012): “Pin taehakkyo han’gughagbu-ŭi hyǒnhwang-gwa paljǒn panghyang” [Die gegenwartige Situation und das Entwicklungspotential der Koreanologie an der Universitat Wien],Osŭt’ŭria sog-ŭi han’gugin / Die Geschichte der Koreaner in Österreich. Hrsg. v. Ok-Kyun Park. Seoul: Readersguide, 289-296.

(2012) „Die gegenwartige Situation und das Entwicklungspotential der Koreanologie an der UniversitatWien“, Osŭt’ŭria sog-ŭi han’gugin / Die Geschichte der Koreaner in Österreich,628-638.

(2013): „University of Vienna“, The Academy of Korean Studies: Overseas Leading University Program for Korean Studies Annual Meeting 2013 / 2013-nyǒndo haeoe han’gu-khak chunghaek taehak hyǒbŭihoe, 187-201.