erschienen 2015
Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften / Koreanologie, Universität Wien (Hg.):
Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung VII (2015) 2015, ISBN 978-3-7069-0874-0,
ISSN: 1998-989X, 142 S., brosch. €-A 23,50 / €-D 22,90
- Ji Sun Kim: An "Eastern European" Perspective on a Contemporary Conflict: Music as Cultural Diplomacy between North and South Korea in the Class of Professor Uros Lajovic
- Jong-Chol An: Making a State Known Internationally: Charles Pergler's Activities for the Czechoslovak Republic during and after World War I
- Gregor Konzack: The Visegrad Group and South Korea
- Pawel Kida & Thomas Wierzbowski: How European Bison Met Asian Tiger - the History and Current Status of Polish-Korean Relations
- Valentina Marinescu: Searching for Sameness and Otherness trough Hallyu in the Balkans and Central Europe
- Alexander Fedetoff: A Bulgarian View of the Republic of Korea; Eunsuk Cho and Oktay Gökhan Banbal: The Korean Image in Turkey